
Find below detailed information about the comprehensive Community Engagement and Benefit Sharing Plan associated to the project during the Construction and Operation phases.

Community Engagement and Benefits Sharing Plan (CEBSP)

As part of the commitments associated to Berrybank 1 Wind Farm project, an ambitious Community Engagement and Benefit Sharing Plan was implemented at the beginning of February 2019, once approved by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning of the State of Victoria (DELWP).

This plan was designed based on reference guides such the ones respectively published by DELWP and the Clean Energy Council. Best practice community engagement is a core part of our corporate philosophy and approach to business according to our Corporate Responsibility Policy, which incorporates commitments to society, sustainability and social commitment in all of our mother company around the world:

We are continuously working to translate these principles into real, tangible action in the Berrybank region through a clear plan for continued effective engagement as the wind farm is built and operated. Our approach is motivated by a strong commitment to engage with the Berrybank community during the all project phases and aimed to continue building a social license to operate with wide-ranging positive impacts across the region.

Community Benefits and Commitments

The phase 1 of the Berrybank project, awarded in 2018 by the Victorian Government and is currently under construction, has already let us to build strong and trustable relationships with the community that will surround the wind farm as well as with all the relevant stakeholders through the implementation of our Community Engagement and Benefit Sharing Plan. Considerable funding from our company is supporting the delivery of this plan that will be invested into the community over the life of the wind farm as well as other non-financial benefits that will be achieved through key initiatives described below:

Local Community Engagement Officer fully dedicated on Site

A local resident from Lismore was employed in April 2019 as our local Community Engagement Officer responsible on site to support and ensure the delivery of the Community Engagement and Benefit Sharing Plan, providing face to face communication and engagement with all the stakeholders surrounding the wind farm.

Local Project Office available on Site

Our Community Engagement Officer is accessible from Monday to Friday at our temporary construction office within the project facilities and will be moved to the permanent office once the project is under Operation.

Land Agreements and Easement Deeds

Agreements and deeds signed with the landowners who owned the lands that hosts the turbines, the substation and the transmission line.

Neighbour Deeds

Deeds that can be voluntarily signed by all the neighbours within 2 km of the wind farm, enforceable during the Construction and the Operation of the wind farm in order to compensate them for the potential impacts caused by the turbines.

Community Asset Initiative

Community Benefit Deeds respectively signed with the Corangamite Shire Council and the Golden Plains Shire Council for the implementation of local community projects during the Construction of the wind farm.

Community Development Funds

Agreements respectively signed with the Corangamite Shire Council and the Golden Plains Shire Council for the implementation of local community projects during the Operation of the wind farm.

Solar Power Program

Renewable Energy Program implemented with the support of both Councils during the Construction of the wind farm to install solar systems in local community buildings and also on households.


Job opportunities mainly focused on local residents to work with us as a trainee within our team on Site during the Construction and the Operation phases.

Student Program: Schools, TAFE, University

Provision of scholarships for TAFE and University students in collaboration with Federation University and Deakin University during the Operation period. This program also includes the provision of educational materials on renewable energy to local schools and visits to the Site

Support for the implementation of the Asian Pacific Renewable Energy Training Centre (APRETC)

Provision of financial support to the Federation University in order to increase the renewable energy training offer in the region through the APRETC.

Entrepreneurship Program

Support for local entrepreneurs interested in launching and running new businesses in the area during the Operation phase of the wind farm in collaboration with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT).

Community Engagement Committee

Committee established in April 2019 with the aim of playing a key role during the Construction and Operation phases, not only being informed and consulted about the implementation of the different community engagement initiatives but also involving and empowering their members in those initiatives as needed and establishing new ideas.

This Committee is comprised by different members: neighbours, landowners, community groups representatives, Councils, DELWP, contractors and GPG representatives. Quarterly meetings for ensuring engagement and participation of the different stakeholders in the CEBSP implementation are hold. The minutes of such meetings can be consulted in the link:


Information sessions & presentations

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Upcoming sessions & presentations

  • No upcoming information sessions or presentations are scheduled for the moment

Upcoming sessions & presentations

No upcoming information sessions or presentations are scheduled for the moment

Previous sessions & presentations

Information sharing session – Golden Plains & Berrybank Wind Farms (organized by Golden Plains Shire Council):
28th February 2020

Golden Plains Business Networking event (organized by Golden Plains Shire Council):
11th October 2019

Presentation on the Community Engagement Approach at Berrybank Wind Farm at the Community Benefits and Social Licence Working Group (organized by DELWP):
15th May 2019

Community event stalls & other events

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Upcoming community events

  • No Upcoming Events

Upcoming community events

No upcoming Community Events are scheduled for the moment

Previous community events

Lismore Water Tower – Opening Event
9th December 2020

Community Christmas Toy Appeal at Berrybank Wind Farm (organized by GPG, Vestas and its subcontractors)
20th December 2019

Cultural Awareness Training provided by the Wathaurung community to the GPG´s staff involved in the Berrybank project
14th November 2019

Sod Turning Ceremony at Berrybank site
21st June 2019

Landscape Screening Program

The Landscape Screening Program involves all non-stakeholder residential dwellings existing as of the date of issue of the planning permits of the wind farm endorsed on 4thFebruary 2018 and which are within 4.0 km of an approved turbine is eligible to apply for landscape screening.

This program commenced concurrently with the commencement of construction of the wind turbine pads and will remain open for 6 months after the last turbine has been commissioned. It will strategically use vegetation to screen visible turbines from affected dwellings. The program involves a site visit and meeting with a landscape consultant, and subsequently, preparation of a dwelling landscape plan.

For more information please refer to the BBWF Landscape Screening Guidelines and download the Application Form.




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