20 03, 2020

Finalized the First Local Community Project with Funding from Berrybank 1 Wind Farm in Australia

2020-04-14T10:32:04+10:00March 20th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Lismore Water Tower Project has been recently completed near Berrybank, where the wind farm is being constructed. The local artist, Jimmi Buscombe, who rose to fame when a video about his “Gutsy the Wombat” mural had 58 million views on Facebook, has now completed a large mural on a water [...]

30 09, 2019

Another Successful Step in the Fulfillment of the Local Investment Plan (LIP) Associated to Berrybank 1 Wind Farm

2020-04-14T10:24:21+10:00September 30th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Our EPC Contractor for this project, Vestas, and its partner, Marand Precision Engineering, have commenced production in the wind turbine assembly facility in Geelong. Together with Marand, Vestas has fulfilled a significant milestone for its new wind turbine assembly facility in Geelong. The facility has commenced production of Drivetrains and [...]

27 07, 2019

Berrybank 1 Wind Farm Sod Turning Ceremony

2020-04-14T10:15:52+10:00July 27th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Berrybank Development P/L (Global Power Generation Australia Pty Ltd) has officially marked the start of construction of Stage 1 of the 43 Turbine Berrybank Wind Farm with having hosted our Sod-Turning Ceremony which took place on Friday 21st June 2019. This event was attended This event was attended The Hon. [...]

23 05, 2019

GPG (Naturgy Group) and Vision close construction financing arrangement for a 180 MW wind project in Victoria (Australia)

2020-04-08T17:06:50+10:00May 23rd, 2019|Uncategorized|

Naturgy, via Global Power Generation (GPG), its international electricity generation subsidiary, has secured financing for up to 284 M AUD to complete the development of the Berrybank wind farm, whose construction started in January’19. The Berrybank wind project consists of a power purchase agreement [of 15years] through a support agreement [...]

23 05, 2019

GPG (Naturgy Group) and Vision sign a funding agreement for the construction of a 180 MW wind farm in Australia

2020-04-08T19:25:35+10:00May 23rd, 2019|Uncategorized|

GPG (Naturgy Group) and Vision sign a funding agreement for the construction of a 180 MW wind farm in Australia Naturgy, through Global Power Generation (GPG), its international power generation subsidiary, has secured funding of up to $284 million Australian dollars (€176 million) to complete the Berrybank wind farm, where [...]

24 04, 2019

Construction Commences at the Berrybank 1 Wind Farm

2020-04-08T19:52:23+10:00April 24th, 2019|Media Releases, Media Releases, Media Releases, Media Releases, Media Releases, Media Releases, Media Releases|

Global Power Generation Australia (GPG) has partnered with Vestas Australian Wind Technology and MPC Kinetic and are pleased to announce that Construction has now begun on Stage 1 of the Berrybank Wind Farm, the 43 Wind Turbine Stage 1 has an expected completion date for construction to be September 2020. [...]

8 04, 2019

Berrybank 1 Wind Farm Local Investment Plan kicks off

2020-04-08T19:34:34+10:00April 8th, 2019|Uncategorized|

GPG makes the first steps in the fulfillment of its Local Investment Plan (LIP) in relation to the Berrybank wind farm project in Australia As our EPC and O&M Contractor for the Berrybank project, Vestas has entered into two important partnerships in relation with this Local Investment Plan: One of [...]