Global Power Generation Australia (GPG) has partnered with Vestas Australian Wind Technology and MPC Kinetic and are pleased to announce that Construction has now begun on Stage 1 of the Berrybank Wind Farm, the 43 Wind Turbine Stage 1 has an expected completion date for construction to be September 2020.
Construction of the internal access roads commenced on 17th April 2019, the bench for a temporary concrete batching plant has been installed, and we plan to start wind turbine foundation excavations by the end of the first week in May. We expect to have the internal access track to the proposed new substation and site office compound completed by the end of April, for construction to begin at the start of May for both pieces of infrastructure. We are expecting that the Turbine components will begin to arrive at site starting in August, these components will both be coming from Geelong and Portland. A schedule will be made public and distributed in advance to prevent any significant delays or impacts.
GPG would also like to announce that we have employed a Local Resident Mr. Nathan Micallef of Lismore to the position of Community Engagement Officer who will be based at the Site Office Full Time and he will be working with landholders, neighbours, council and local communities through the construction and operation of the development. You can contact Nathan at